Solicitors’ firms are required to carry out a regular diversity survey for their firm, submit the responses to the Solicitors Regulation Authority, and publish the data. Completion by personnel of the survey is not compulsory, and the data regarding religion, sexual orientation and transgender are excluded from the publication requirement. Also, publication of the data has to be in a form such that individuals cannot be identified.
We carried out our most recent diversity survey in June 2023. 96% of the personnel completed the survey.
The diversity survey data results are set out below.
Category of personnel |
Solicitor director |
13% |
Solicitor (not partner) |
4% |
Other fee earning role |
4% |
Role directly supporting a fee earner |
57% |
Managerial |
4% |
IT/HR/Other Role |
18% |
Prefer not to say |
0% |
Age |
16-24 |
0% |
25 to 34 |
17% |
35 to 44 |
31% |
45 to 54 |
17% |
55 to 64 |
22% |
65 and over |
9% |
Prefer not to say |
4% |
Gender |
Male |
13% |
Female |
87% |
Prefer not to say |
0% |
Disability |
Having a disability |
0% |
Not having a disability |
100% |
Prefer not to say |
0% |
Day to Day Activities Limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months |
Yes, limited a little |
0% |
No |
100% |
Prefer not to say |
0% |
Ethnicity |
UK - white |
96% |
Other white background |
4% |
Mixed/multiple ethnic groups |
0% |
Prefer not to say |
0% |
Socio-economic background –Secondary and Further Education |
UK State School (non-selective) |
26% |
UK State School (selective) |
61% |
UK Independent/Fee-paying School (no bursary) |
9% |
UK Independent/Fee-paying School (bursary) |
0% |
Attended school outside UK |
4% |
Prefer not to say |
0% |
Socio-economic background – Parents attended university by the time member of personnel aged 18 |
No, neither of parents |
83% |
Yes, one or both parents |
13% |
Don't know |
0% |
Prefer not to say |
4% |
Type of work the main/highest income earner in the household did when the member of personnel aged approximately 14 |
Modern and Traditional professional |
26% |
Senior manager/administrator |
4% |
Clerical |
9% |
Technical and craft |
22% |
Routine manual |
13% |
Small business owners |
13% |
Long term unemployed |
0% |
Other - retired |
4% |
Prefer not to say |
9% |
Primary Carer for a child/children under 18 |
Yes |
61% |
No |
39% |
Prefer not to say |
0% |
Individuals who look after or care for someone because of either long-term physical or mental ill-health caused by disability or age (not in a paid capacity) |
None |
78% |
Yes, 1-19 hours a week |
0% |
Yes, 20-49 hours a week |
0% |
Yes, 50 or more hours a week |
9% |
Prefer not to say |
13% |